GC Rieber AS has decided to change the company name GC Rieber Oils AS to GC Rieber VivoMega AS. The change marks a new era and strategy for the company towards health biotech. We will continue the same path as today by advancing towards higher concentrated omega-3 ingredients. The dietary supplement market still remains our main market. Only the best quality survives in our industry. Focusing on improving quality and precision in everything we do at all levels become even more important.
VivoMega is, as you may know, the name of our omega-3 concentrates. Vivo is Latin and means life. Mega is Greek and means great. Put together, the word may have the meaning; “great living” or “the great life”. In addition, VivoMega has a link to omega-3 and GC Rieber VivoMega will continue to build the VivoMega ingredient brand to support our customers and distributors future growth and prosperous relationships.
Furthermore, the name change is a clarification that the company has no link to the oil and gas industry.
GC Rieber VivoMega inspires and energizes us to realize our vision together of improving human health with omega-3 through sustainable and innovative solutions. We will live “the great life” and our vision gives us meaning besides creating a safe and good workplace for our employees and the local society.